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Rhodes to the Top: Episode 1 and 2
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Rhodes to the Top: Episode 1 and 2

A Rhodes to the Top graphic featuring Brandi and Cody

Rhodes to the Top: Episode 1 and Episode 2

In these episodes of Rhodes to the Top, episode one and episode two, Brandi and Cody Rhodes celebrate with family and friends at their baby shower. Brandi plays mediator to help ease tension between Jade Cargill and Red Velvet. Ricky Starks receives unfortunate injury news. This is the questionable Cody promo episode.

Rhodes to the Top is a reality series that gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of Brandi and Cody Rhodes as they manage their personal and professional life.

Episode Title:

Everything is About to Change (Season 1, Episode 1)

Slap in the Face (Season 1, Episode 2)


Cody Rhodes, Brandi Rhodes, Jade Cargill, Ricky Starks, Red Velvet, Jyll (Brandi’s mom), Otis (Brandi’s dad), Michelle (Cody’s mom), Teil (Cody’s sister),


42 minutes


Reality series

Favorite scene:
Watch this video to see the slap.

My favorite scene in the episode was the mediation scene between Jade and Red Velvet with Brandi as mediator. The subplot begins early in the episode with Brandi meeting with Jade to discuss Red Velvet’s concerns with working with Jade after Velvet received a very hard slap from Jade during a Waiting Room segment. According to Brandi, the slap was so hard that it left a handprint on Velvet’s face. This led to tension between Jade and Velvet. Brandi doesn’t want any issues with the two women in the locker room, so she invites both women to a wine tasting where she hopes to help the women squash their beef.

Seeing three influential Black women work through their issues via civil conversation is powerful. On all levels, that scene is compelling. I’m hoping the show will give us more moments like this that feature prominent Black women.

See Also

Side-eye moment:

The side-eye moment for this episode was the uncomfortable baby shower scene between Brandi and her sister-in-law Teil. Brandi makes it clear that her relationship with Teil hasn’t been the best; Teil is the most difficult family member to warm up to her. According to Brandi, she got permission from Dusty Rhodes to use the Rhodes name. However, Teil did not like Brandi using the name. The scene transitions to Cody saying his family “look at Brandi as if she’s not fully in.” YIKES! Is anyone (Black people in particular) else feeling some type of way about this. This whole scene was a side-eye moment on the first and second viewing.

I would recommend Rhodes to the Top, Episode 1 and Episode 2:

I would recommend Rhodes to the Top episode 1 and episode 2. All Elite Wrestling (AEW) is the new kid on the wrestling block, and I have been desiring a backstage glimpse of AEW. Yes, shows like Being the Elite (BTE) and the Sammy Guevara Vlog take fans behind the scenes. However, these shows have a very niche tone that may not connect with a larger audience. Rhodes to the Top, episode one, definitely has a more casual audience feel, so I would recommend this episode to wrestling fans and reality show fans.

I would also recommend this episode because of its two subplots: Ricky Starks dealing with his neck injury, and the tension between Red Velvet and Jade Cargill. It’s just the first episode, and viewers are being introduced to several AEW wrestlers. This is nice. The show is called Rhodes to the Top, and at its core is a show about Brandi and Cody, but seeing other wrestlers involved in numerous subplots makes the show more enjoyable.

One thing, I’m undecided about is the show’s editing and pacing. The editing and pacing are so hectic and chaotic. On first viewing, I found this very annoying. But on second viewing, the franticness made me wonder if this is what the show creators were going for. Were they trying to create a sense of hecticness to show the viewers how busy Brandi and Cody are?

I look forward to episode 3.

Have you watched Rhodes to the Top, episode 1 and 2 ? If so, tell us what you think about the episode and our review in the comment section below or on DDT Divas’ social media channels. Use the hashtag #DDTDivasTVReview


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