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Rhodes to the Top Episode 4
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Rhodes to the Top Episode 4

A Rhodes to the Top graphic featuring Brandi and Cody

Rhodes to the Top: Episode 4

In this episode of Rhodes to the Top Episode 4, Brandi struggles with having to put work on hold as she takes maternity leave. Cody deals with his sore back before his Double or Nothing match with Anthony Ogogo.

Rhodes to the Top is a reality series that gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of Brandi and Cody Rhodes as they manage their personal and professional life.

Episode Title:

Double or Nothing (Season 1, Episode 4)


Cody Rhodes, Brandi Rhodes, Paul Wight, Eric Bischoff, Megha, (AEW Chief Legal Officer), Mandy (AEW Publicist), Margaret (AEW Legal Officer), Dustin Rhodes, Dr. Sampson (AEW doctor), Anthony Ogogo, and Sandra Gray (AEW’s Costume Designer)


21 minutes


Reality series

Favorite scene:

In this episode, my favorite scene was Brandi’s discussion with AEW staff (Megha, Mandy, and Margaret) about leaving AEW and going on maternity leave. There was one quote from Brandi that stuck with me: “with wrestling, everything is like if you’re not seen, you’re forgotten. I don’t want to be forgotten.”

Yes, another Brandi Rhodes scene. My second favorite scene in this episode was Brandi’s see ya later to her brother-in-law Dustin Rhodes. It’s good to see Brandi’s relationship with her brother-in-law, Dustin. Unlike her relationship with her sister-in-law, Teil, Brandi, and Dustin seem to have a good family dynamic. Dustin seems like a cool brother-in-law and Brandi’s family ally. According to Brandi, Dustin accepted her quickly.

See Also

It was also cool to find out that Dustin is the AEW Women’s division coach.

Side-eye moment:

Surprisingly, no side-eye moment this episode.

I would recommend Rhodes to the Top, Episode 4:

Episode 4, Double or Nothing, focuses a lot on Brandi’s transition from AEW CBO and wrestler to mother. It’s Brandi’s see ya later (not goodbye) to AEW. She is scared and nervous that she will be forgotten and left behind. This episode also focuses on Cody’s prep for his match with Anthony Ogogo at Double or Nothing. Unlike the other episodes that feature several AEW wrestlers, this episode is a Brandi and Cody episode. This episode is not for people who watch to see tons of AEW wrestlers and backstage AEW.

This episode is also not for viewers who tend to enjoy reality show drama. On a drama scale of 1 to 10, I would rate this episode’s drama a 1. Not a bad episode, but not your typical reality show drama-filled plot.

Read our episode 1 and 2 review.
Read our episode 3 review.
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