David E Houston II he’s attended small independent shows with…
Reviews by Dave
By David E Houston II
Show air date: October 4, 2022
AEW Dynamite made its Toronto debut, broadcasting live from the sold-out Coca-Cola Coliseum, starting immediately with the debut of the newest broadcast team member, podcaster, and top-notch interviewer, Renee Paquette. She conducts her first interview with Toronto’s own, Christian Cage. The reaction was all over the place as expected. Before joining commentary, Cage introduced his protege Luchasaurus for his grudge match with former Jurassic Express partner, Jungle Boy Jack Perry.
Luchasaurus defeated Jungle Boy Jack Perry
I enjoyed this a lot. Didn’t enjoy them going with a table spot in their first match and it had no impact on the finish at all but overall, this was a very good match with the right guy winning. Luchasaurus could not lose. Perry lost because he was stupid and let Cage mess with him.
I like having Private Party back on TV consistently, and I hope they finally get things on track. I could live without this constant shuffling of their “contracts”. An alright, backstage segment where Ethan Page challenges Isiah Kassidy to a match.
WarJoe defeated The Factory
Ring Of Honor TV champion Samoa Joe and TNT champion Wardlow steamroll QT Marshall and Nick Comoroto of The Factory. All squash. That’s fine. Prince Nana’s The Embassy–Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony (Kaun and Toa Liona–come down. Some this. Some that. ROH tag champs FTR–Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood- hear their name and they come down, carrying every title belt they possess. Some more of this. Some more of that. Shawn Spears makes his return and allies himself with his own Pinnacle mates and an eight-man match is set. They have completely defanged The Embassy.
Swerve Strickland defeated Billy Gunn
I had no real interest in Swerve Strickland vs Billy Gunn but I gave it a shot. It was pretty good. Again, the right guy won with Swerve pinning Gunn while hooking the referee’s bottom rope out of sight. They do a segment after with Tony Nese and “Smart” Mark Sterling, who has bought the trademark for “Scissor Me”. Funny but uh…the only payoff is Nese and Josh Woods getting a title shot and they aren’t even close to a relevant, contending team.
Backstage MJF Interview
Maxwell Jacob Friedman, MJF, had a backstage interview with Alex Marvez and this had stuff I liked and stuff I hated. They took something straight from WWE in having a full video package on what happened with MJF-The Firm-Wheeler Yuta and William Regal last week and then Marvez runs down the whole thing again on the mic. BRUV!! We just seent it!!
Then MJF BURIES Stokely Hathaway. With them being his protection on his way to the world title and given his history of failed factions, you would think MJF would know better and Hathaway just took it. Do you know what they shouldn’t be building to? An MJF face turn. The promo itself was great. Max is better in the back than when he’s in the ring cutting promos because when he’s in the back, he’s not playing to the crowd, trying to get “oohs” and “aahhs” with cheap heat.
Nice In-Ring Promo
World champion Jon Moxley gave a nice in-ring promo on his upcoming title defense against Hangman Page. Page comes out and doesn’t hold up his end (I say politely). Ripping off Ric Flair’s old hardway gimmick doesn’t make you “intense”, potna.
Chris Jericho defeated Bryan Danielson
For the ROH World Championship
ROH champion Chris Jericho defended his title successfully against the challenge of “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, one of the all-time great ROH champions. The match was fine, even good, I just don’t give a 💩. I’m over Jericho and damn, I’m good on all Jericho Appreciation Society vs Blackpool Combat Club matches.
Ref bump (oh Bast, here comes the “sports entertainment”). JAS estranged member, ROH Pure champion Daniel Garcia comes down and seems to side with Jericho but hits Danielson with the ROH title belt. Son. First, Garcia looks like an athlete but he was doing the job running down that ramp. Both of them feets were left. The angle? FIRE RUSSO!!! You just did the fake-out turn with Luchasaurus and then again with Jamie Hayter. Jericho wins.
Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero in a backstage interview. Good. Anna Jay AS shows up. FF.
Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida defeated Jamie Hayter and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD
It’s great having Hikaru Shida back on TV, teaming with Women’s World champion Toni Storm to face Jamie Hayter and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD. It’s a “Nope” for me. Hayter’s solid but completely vanilla, and I’m not watching any more matches with Baker/Hayter and Storm. I’m sure it was fine with them all being so familiar, but I’m not interested. FF.
Main Event: Orange Cassidy defeated PAC (c)
For the AEW All-Atlantic Championship
PAC defended his All-Atlantic championship against long-time rival and, Orange Cassidy. I wanted to like this, and I liked most of the work but Bast Almighty!!
OC took a Falcon’s Arrow on the floor and a tombstone piledriver and still managed to beat the count like he was John f$&king Cena. I hate that in WWE, and I hate it in AEW.
Both guys worked their asses off and should always be respected for that but this was a “Doing Too Much'” match for me. PAC went to get a ring bell hammer and was stopped by OC ally Danhausen, who got popped for his trouble. Way too much playing around with hammers here. Just let the workers work, TK. OC wins his first singles title in AEW, nailing PAC with two of his Orange Punch superman punch.
Talk about a tale of two cities. The first hour was very good but then they got wild and loose with the booking in the second. The first hour and the effort of the two title matches (that were grossly overbooked) save the show for me. Very Nitro 98.
The Real Uncle Dave grade: B (for Barely)

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Reviews by Dave is the best wrestling review on the internet! It’s written by David Houston II, who writes about WWE NXT, AEW Dynamite, and IMPACT Wrestling.
David E Houston II he’s attended small independent shows with less than 100 people and large stadium shows with over 20,000 fans and live worldwide pay-per-views.